But it was a joy look carefully and ask:
Just how tall is that minaret?
Why is one red and other others white?
What's the exact slope of that dome?
What is in those rounded chambers?
Is it older than all the surrounding trees?
Can I commit this to memory?
If not, can I commit this moment to paper?
I recall the certainty that I did not want to take a picture
One that would look worse than the hundreds of post cards for sale
I didn't want to prove that I had been there
Drawing is not about capture
I recall I almost said something like,
"I want to honor this place"
"I can't know it from a picture"
"Taking time is a form of worship"
"Drawing is sometimes like praying"
"Why would I want to leave?"
But none of those were right, either.
I've never been good at talking about art without being pretentious.